Cuamm English

Health is a right, fighting to respect it is a duty

Accelerating Stunting Reduction Iringa and Njombe Regions

Our commintment to reduce stunting during the critical period from conception to 24 months

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The four-year initiative started on December 1st 2015 , with the aim to contribute to the national targets to reduce stunting during the critical period from conception to 24 months.


  • To deal with the bottlenecks in the child outcomes identifiable in the targeted regions and to address stunting by investing in the establishment of community, health and nutrition systems/mechanisms for the promotion of high impact interventions.

We expect to increase:

  • the proportion of pregnant women and caregivers of children under 2 years old who practice key nutrition-relevant behaviours in the project area;
  • the availability of diverse nutrient-rich foods at household level in the project area.


What we do

We have identified key high impact interventions that will be delivered at Community level:

  • we will implement a specific SBCC package (Social Behaviour Change Communication actions), developed in collaboration with Unicef.
    To deliver these messages at community level, CUAMM will make use of Community Health Workers to counsel pregnant/lactating women and mothers of children under 5 years of age on a monthly basis. The proposed intervention will also target key local leaders and family members to make sure that there is an enabling environment.  The CHWs will also work closely with the Health care facilities for the referral and identification of children who are severely malnourished;
  • we will identify progressive farmers in four Districts (Iringa DC, Mufindi DC, Njombe DC and Makete DC) and will train them to counsel farmers (additional target group) on how to increase and diversify food production through home gardening and small livestock farming.


Direct beneficiaries

Overall, the intervention will involve eight districts and n.500 villages across the two regions, covering a total expected population of

  • n. 169,112 children under 2 years of age;
  • n. 253,668 children aged 24-59 months;
  • n. 90,692 pregnant women;
  • n. 169,112 mothers of children under 2 years of age.



1 December 2015 – 30 November 2019





  • TAHEA – Tanzania Home Economics Association


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