Cuamm English

Health is a right, fighting to respect it is a duty


Articles about malnutrition


Cunene, Angola A New Project for Nutrition

October saw the launch of a new project in Angola to address the problem of malnutrition. This project considers nutrition in a community context, with particular emphasis on mothers and children aged under five.


Tanzania Presentation of “The Next Generation Program”

Expectant mothers in Tanzania lack access to the conveniences and services that we in wealthier countries tend to take for granted. Some fail to eat properly in the months leading up to delivery, or exhaust themselves with the heavy work they’re obliged to do, unaware of the precautions that ought to be taken during pregnancy.


Mozambique Wholesome recipes

In Mozambique almost 43% of children suffer from chronic malnutrition. To face this problem some doctors and researchers have created recipes accesible to all mothers.

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