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Health is a right, fighting to respect it is a duty

The Next Generation Programme Simiyu and Ruvuma Regions

Integrated Promotion of Nutrition, Growth & Development in Tanzania

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The aim of this program, which will be implemented in Simiyu and Ruvuma Regions, is twofold:

  1. deliver a targeted package of interventions at scale through the health system to prevent stunting
  2. show that integrating activities for chronic and severe acute malnutrition will lead to better outcomes at lower costs.



The programme will demonstrate how to integrate the delivery of services to prevent stunting and treat severe acute malnutrition, following the same pregnant mothers and children under five across the critical points in the lifecycle and continuum of care. There will be a special focus on children under 2 to prevent stunting.

The specific objectives are:

  • reduce stunting prevalence and increase the number of children successfully treated for SAM (Severe Acute Malnutrition);
  •  increase knowledge, attitudes and practices on birth preparedness, maternal nutrition, and appropriate infant and young child feeding practices;
  • strengthen capacity of the sub-national level health service to deliver integrated nutrition services, which are underpinned by quality data.


What we do

We take care of sustainability, using both government and behaviour change pathways.

The intervention will be delivered by the Tanzanian health system, supporting regional, district and community-level governance and delivery structures for health and nutrition.  The behavioural change pathway will be used by providing technical assistance to the health services, through:

  • community health workers promoting complementary feeding and the importance of attending AN;
  • making information available to citizens, this will generate demand for nutrition services.


Direct beneficiaries

  • 310,453 pregnant and lactating women;
  • 232,261 stunted children under 2;
  • 7,687 wasted children under 5.



1 December 2015 – 1 December 2019





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