Cuamm English

Health is a right, fighting to respect it is a duty

In West Nile, Uganda Fighting malnutrition

In West Nile, where we are already supporting blind people with dedicated activities, we are back with an important project against malnutrition.

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We are back in the health centers of the West Nile region of Uganda with an important project against childhood malnutrition. The newly launched two-year project will bring a team of experts to supervise the local staff’s work.

This approach — termed supportive supervision — seems promising for good results in the health system’s efficiency and quality, backing up local health workers with the involvement of experts who help monitor the progress of children with acute malnutrition by adopting standardized guidelines and through constant monitoring.

The project is conducted in partnership with the Burlo Garofalo Maternal-Child Health Institute of Trieste, and supported by 3IE-International Initiative for Impact Evaluation. It will come to every corner of one of Uganda’s most fragile regions, because children are the soul of a country and we must cared for them.

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