Our work in Tanzania
After more than 45 years of work in Tanzania, today the main aim of Doctors with Africa CUAMM is to increase accessibility to health services, but also to train human resources and improve their distribution in districts and peripheral areas.

Doctors with Africa CUAMM has been working in Tanzania since 1968, in order to offer equitable and accessible health services.
Discover more about the history of Doctors with Africa CUAMM in Tanzania
CUAMM collaborates with local institutions and health facilities in order to treat acute malnutrition, prevent HIV/AIDS contagion and increase accessibility to and quality of hospitals and community based services, especially for mothers and their babies, in particular in Tosamaganga hospital, with the project “Mothers and children first”.
About 2015
2,578,000 · Inhabitants involved by the intervention
10,608 · Assisted deliveries
1,188 · C-sections performed
767 · Children diagnosed with severe acute malnutrition
582 · Children diagnosed with moderate acute malnutrition
Where we work
In 2016, Doctors with Africa CUAMM is working in different geographic regions:
- Iringa and Njombe, implementing several integrated projects on maternal, newborn and child health and nutrition at community and facility levels (read more about the project);
- Morogoro, Kilosa DC working on integrated community-based HIV and Cervical Cancer screening;
- Shinyanga DC, with a project for strengthening Care and Treatment services for HIV/AIDS in faith-based facilities;
- Simiyu and Ruvuma Regions, implementing a program for integrated management of severe acute malnutrition and stunting reduction along the continuum of care and at community level (read more about the program).
Recently ended projects
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Our Donors:
- CIFF Children’s Investment Fund Foundation
- Cooperazione Italiana
- Department for International Development UK
- Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation
- Fondazione Buon Samaritano
- Fondazione Cariplo
- Fondazione Intesa San Paolo
- Fondazione Raggio di Luce
- Fondazione Zanetti Onlus
- Gilead Sciences Inc.
- Lisa Spa
- Marsh Spa
- Medici con l’Africa Cuamm Varese
- World Vision
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