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Local Food Resources to Fight Children Malnutrition and Infectious Diseases in Mozambique

Malnutrition in low-resource settings affects some 200 million children under the age of 5, i.e. one out of every three. In Mozambique 42.6% of children suffer from chronic malnutrition, and nearly 6% from acute malnutrition. In circumstances like these, it is of fundamental importance to exploit all available and accessible resources in order to tackle

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  • Author: Pizzol D., Di Gennaro F., De Palma A., Marquez G., Monno L., Saracino A., Romanelli M., Putoto G., Bertoldo A.
  • Published on: Journal of Emerging Infectious Diseases, Pizzol et al. 2016, August
  • Research country: Mozambique

  • Malnutrition in low-resource settings affects some 200 million children under the age of 5, i.e. one out of every three. In Mozambique 42.6% of children suffer from chronic malnutrition, and nearly 6% from acute malnutrition. In circumstances like these, it is of fundamental importance to exploit all available and accessible resources in order to tackle malnutrition effectively and prevent many of the diseases associated with it. The study presented here investigated foodstuffs with high nutritional value available in Mozambique, identifying and providing the composition and energy content of 60 separate items. Based on this list, its authors devised recipes for meals that meet the nutritional requirements of children aged 4 to 8; this paper includes six of them. The underlying research model is very much a sustainable, community-oriented one whose outcome could make a significant contribution to the fight against malnutrition.

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