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HIV and Surgery: an issue only for developed country? An overview from Mozambique

HIV is a public health emergency in Sub-Saharan Africa, with 1 out of 20 adults affected by the disease. In Mozambique, where HIV figures are in line with those in the broader Sub-Saharan region, the causes of HIV/AIDS related-death include emergency surgery and post-operative infections. This study reviews the existing literature on surgically-treated diseases in

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  • Author: Fumo A., Garofalo N., Chhaganlal K., Di Gennaro F., Boscardin C., Laforgia R., De Palma A.,Putoto G., Pizzol D.
  • Published on: Euromediterranean Biomedical Journal 2016
  • Research country: Mozambique

  • HIV is a public health emergency in Sub-Saharan Africa, with 1 out of 20 adults affected by the disease. In Mozambique, where HIV figures are in line with those in the broader Sub-Saharan region, the causes of HIV/AIDS related-death include emergency surgery and post-operative infections.

    This study reviews the existing literature on surgically-treated diseases in HIV-affected patients.

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