Our work in South Sudan
Life is not easy in South Sudan, a country with a semi-nomad population, exhausted by years of civil war. Doctors with Africa CUAMM is always there, in order to help the population with medical assistance.

South Sudan gained its independence from Sudan in 2011. In the last years the early-born country have faced many troubles due to internal political situation.
Discover more about the history of Doctors with Africa CUAMM in South Sudan
CUAMM never left the country: in 2014 and 2015 support continues for Yirol hospital and the peripheral centres of the catchment area and Maper district. Work on the infrastructure gets under way at Cueibet to put the hospital into service and support for Lui hospital management continues, where the nursing and midwifery school is now operating.
About 2015
807,943 · Inhabitants involved by the intervention
6,583 · Assisted deliveries
19,959 · First antenatal visits
43,647 · Paediatric outpatient visits in hospital
5,569 · Paediatric admissions
Where we work
In 2015, Doctors with Africa CUAMM is working in three county in Lakes State:
- Yirol West county, with a public health programme designed to reinstate the peripheral health centre network through staff recruitment and training, renovation and fitting out of dedicated facilities and procurement of medicines and consumables. The aim is to enable all facilities to guarantee healthcare coverage in the remotest parts of the country, partly through a widespread mobile clinic programme.
- Cueibet county, increasing access to mother and child services and reinstating and extending Cueibet hospital.
- Rumbek North county revitalizing the network formed by 7 health facilities, offering basic healthcare services to the community and building community health worker capacity in mother-child health.
- Rumbek Centre county revitalizing the network formed by 13 health facilities, offering basic healthcare services to the community and building community health worker capacity in mother-child health.
- Rumbek East county revitalizing the network formed by 19 health facilities, offering basic healthcare services to the community and building community health worker capacity in mother-child health.
CUAMM is also working in the State of Western Equatoria:
- Mundri East County, providing clinical support and managing Lui hospital.
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Private donors, companies and institutions are helping us with our projects in South Sudan.
Other Donors:
- Banca Intesa San Paolo
- Cuamm Medici con l’Africa Piemonte
- Fondation Assistance Internationale
- Fondazione Giuseppe Maestri Onlus
- Fondazione Prosolidar
- Fondazione Rachelina Ambrosini
- Gruppo Cuamm Trentino
- Korean Foundation for International Health
- Marsilli & Co S.p.a.
- Ministero Affari Esteri-Programma Emergenza
- Ministero Affari Esteri-Programma Promosso
- Nando and Elsa Peretti Foundation
- Unione Europea
- United Nations Office for Project Services
- United Nation Development Programme/ Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- United Nations Development Program/ International Organization for Migration
- World Food Program
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