Our work in Ethiopia
After more than 30 years in Ethiopia, Doctors with Africa CUAMM is still working for the health of local people. From 2012 Ethiopia is one of the countries involved in the project “Mothers and children first”.

Doctors with Africa CUAMM has been working in Ethiopia since 1980, when the first CUAMM doctor was deployed at the leper colony of Gambo.
Discover more about the history of Doctors with Africa CUAMM in Ethiopia
Today Doctors with Africa CUAMM collaborates with the Ethiopian Catholic Secretariat at the national level to strengthen management of the country’s diocesan health facilities. From 2012, St. Luke’s Hospital of Wolisso represents the Ethiopian side of the “Mothers and children first” project, but in Wolisso CUAMM works also in the connected nursing and midwifery school and in the surrounding districts. In 2014 a new project has been set up to consolidate mother and child healthcare services in South Omo Zone. In 2015 the activities of the project continue.
About 2015
1,250,000 · Inhabitants involved by the intervention
9,072 · Assisted deliveries
679 · C-sections performed
925 · Women in labour who used the ambulance service free of charge
Where we work
- South West Shoa, in the districts of Wolisso, Goro e Wonchi, in order to strengthen the intervention in St. Luke’s Hospital, the mother and child healthcare services and the treatment of HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, intervening at both hospital and peripheral health facility level.
- South Omo zone, where in 2014 started a new project focused on maternal and neonatal health.
- Through the country, in order to help the Ethiopian Catholic Secretariat develop the governance and the management of the diocesan health facilities.
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Our Donors:
- Becton and Dickinson
- Bristol-Meyer Squibb Foundation
- Caritas Pro Vitae
- Conferenza Episcopale Italiana
- Cooperazione Italiana
- Cordaid
- Fondazione Cariparo
- Fondazione Cariplo
- Fondazione Cariverona
- Fondazione Maria Bonino
- Lisa Spa
- Merck for Mothers
- Merck Sharp & Dome Corp.
- MSD Italia Srl
- Provincia Autonoma di Trento
- Raskob Foundation
- Women’s Hope International (WHI)
- World Diabetes Foundation
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