Cuamm English

Health is a right, fighting to respect it is a duty

Aids in Africa Too soon to claim victory

The Durban International Conference on AIDS, “Access Equity Rights Now,” came to a close the other day, attended by about 18,000 delegates.

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The Durban International Conference on AIDS, “Access Equity Rights Now“, came to a close the other day, attended by about 18,000 delegates. Doctors with Africa CUAMM watches with great interest how the international community intends to improve the capacity for action in the field — in the home stretch — to guarantee the right to health for all, including the weakest groups.

We watch the international conference with great interest through the eyes of the men and women — many very young — we meet every day in hospitals, health centers, and in the community. We especially like to remember the courage and strong sense of community — very African qualities — that have taught us a lot about how to deal with this situation in human terms. We see it in the words and actions of the women of Beira, who joined the Kuplumussana Association to inform and support the ill. We see it in the actions of the young people of the Geração Saudavel Association who inform their peers about the risks of sexual transmission. And we see it in the stories of the mothers who we help in childbirth every day, who took very long journeys to make sure their children have proper treatment at the moment of birth.

Cuamm is part of the Italian Observatory on Global Action against AIDS, and we are working to provide HIV treatment in the seven African countries where we work. We provide AIDS tests to all mothers who give birth in our facilities, and we have set up a treatment protocol in Tanzania and Mozambique, where we also have special research projects.

But there is still a great deal to be done. Learn more about what we do in the countries where we work below in the accounts gathered in recent days about our projects.

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