Cuamm English

Health is a right, fighting to respect it is a duty

Examining C-section using the Robson Classification System

The use of Cesarean sections is on the rise worldwide. However, especially in the low- and middle-income countries, the reasons for its use are controversial and not always to the benefit of maternal health. The research aims to analyze the effect of Cesarean sections at a hospital in Chiulo, Angola using the Robson classification system.

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  • Research country: Angola, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda
  • Ongoing research name: Examining C-section using the Robson Classification System (to identify women who have had CS for reasons other than as a response to an imminent emergency).
  • Contacts: Del Frate G., Putoto G., Battisti F., Manenti F., Azzimonti G., Massavon W., Devivo E., Atzori A., Segafredo G.
  • Topic: Maternal and child health
  • Project: Mothers and Children First
  • Donations: -
  • Partners: -

  • The use of Cesarean sections is on the rise worldwide. However, especially in the low- and middle-income countries, the reasons for its use are controversial and not always to the benefit of maternal health. The research aims to analyze the effect of Cesarean sections at a hospital in Chiulo, Angola using the Robson classification system. Robson’s criteria may be a good starting point for a systematic review of Cesarean births. The classification will also let us implement strategies to reduce the frequency of medically unnecessary primary C-sections.

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