Cuamm English

Health is a right, fighting to respect it is a duty

Events in Italy

Articles about Events in Italy


Pope Francis received CUAMM

Saturday we all gathered around Pope Francis, together turning the spotlight on Africa.                                           

CUAMM Papal Audience

CUAMM will meet Pope Francis

In our more than 65-year history, we’ve sent 1,569 people to Africa, worked in 41 countries, and Partnered on 163 projects in 217 hospitals. These numbers tell the story of Doctors with Africa CUAMM. Today, our organization is proud to have some 180 aid-workers at work in 7 Sub-Saharan African countries. Saturday we will all gather around Pope Francis, together turning the spotlight on Africa.                                           

CUAMM Papal Audience

Papal audience to CUAMM

Pope Francis is willing to meet Doctors with Africa CUAMM on Saturday, 7th May in Rome! Read the letter of Rev. Don Dante Carraro or ask our headquarter in Padua, Italy, for more information (

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